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Int 68 Fn 02  - Appc/pc - Connection Control - Get Attributes              [N]

   AH = 02h subfn 0700h
   DS:DX -> control block

Return: control block updated

See Also: AH=02h/SF=0300h

Format of control block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 12 BYTEs  reserved
 0Ch   WORD    0700h (verb "Get_Attributes" or "MC_Get_Attributes")
 0Eh   BYTE    1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb
       0 if basic verb
 0Fh  5 BYTEs  reserved (0)
 14h   WORD    (big-endian) primary return code (see AH=02h/SF=0100h)
 16h   DWORD   (big-endian) error code (see AH=02h/SF=0100h)
 1Ah  8 BYTEs  (big-endian) TP_ID
 22h   DWORD   (big-endian) conversation ID
 26h  8 BYTEs  (big-endian) logical unit ID
 2Eh   BYTE    00h
 2Fh   BYTE    SYNC_LEVEL (0=none, 1=confirm)
 30h  8 BYTEs  (big-endian) mode name
 38h  8 BYTEs  (big-endian) own net name
 40h  8 BYTEs  (big-endian) own logical unit name
 48h  8 BYTEs  (big-endian) partner logical unit name
 50h 18 BYTEs  (counted string) partner's fully qualified logical unit name
 62h   BYTE    00h
 63h 11 BYTEs  (counted string) user ID

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